Sponsor poor child education

Support Rural Schools

The villages and urban-slum areas are the most breeding ground for poverty, exploitation, negligence, destitution and disease. The children living in villages and slums have minimal access to schools; there is a high rate of dropouts from schools by grade 8, often slum children are employed in the labor sector at a young age and village children assist parents in the fields.

Many children from villages are seeking to supplement the family income by working in distant locations which make regular attendance at school is impossible. Sometimes parents prefer to send their children for work over sending them to the school. Because their economic situation does not allow them to buy school books, study material, school uniforms and pay school fee. However, generous donors like you can sponsor to provide all these materials to the children so that they can feel happy to go the school. Even the infra-structure of the schools in villages and urban-slums is very poor and do not have the basic amenities. The school class room roofs are in bad condition and leaks during rainy season, even some areas do not have permanent building for the school. Schools do not have student desks to sit, no drinking water facility, no library and no toilets. All above reasons discourage students not to attend the school. Rahbar Foundation aimed at to help these children to stay in school by providing educational material and other services.

Donate Zakat and Sadaqah to Support schools!

In villages the schools are in very bad shape and need lots of improvements,the parents and families are more than willing to help build and improve their schools, but they did not have the enough economic resources to undertake these improvements. Therefore Rahbar Foundation`s focus is to extend support to build and improve these schools with your generosity and provide furniture, educational material, infra-structure support, computers and salary to the teachers so that the schools can enroll more number of children and provide quality education without charging any fee.

Donate as little as $50 per month to support a school

We are looking for partners to help us give rural indigenous communities an opportunity to provide their children with the education they need to achieve their dreams. Through our "Adopt a Rural School" program you can play a big part in improving the lives of children in schools like these.You can adopt a rural school, supporting any of these critical needs or all of them.

  • $50 will provide 5 children with a year's school supplies
  • $100 will buy a teacher's resource pack
  • $300 will pay for a school's bookshelves and a chalkboard
  • $500 will create a school library or outfit a school with furniture
  • $1000 will construct a playground
  • $1500 will buy student desks
  • $2,000 will rebuild a rural school using green building technology

Any donation, no matter how small, will go to help a rural/slum school. Please be generous and donate to educate young minds and gain rewards from Allah SWT. All of your donations are tax deductible. You can donate one time or set up monthly recurring donation using safe and secure PayPal system on our website. Please click on DONATE NOW and bring the change in the life of these underprivileged children.